George Adamski with Brazilian reporter João Martins at Palomar Gardens, 1954. (Image: O Cruzeiro)
Since 2010 there has been a revival of interest in George Adamski and his mission, introducing a whole new generation to this foremost ‘contactee’ of the 1950s, who detractors thought had already been relegated to the fringes of UFOlogy. New and much needed research, long overdue, has been conducted and reveals information that rebuts the many ‘foregone conclusions’ of his critics.
Those with a genuine interest to make up their own mind about Adamski’s philosophy and experiences will find relevant titles listed here, along with some older books that present crucial details. (Books not listed here were left out because they only offer a repetition of the misconceptions or misrepresentations that are refuted in this website and the titles below.)

Flying Saucers and a United World (November 2024) features three talks that George Adamski gave to promote Inside the Space Ships in 1955, in which he emphasized the need for world unity to avert nuclear disaster. His efforts to enlist the help of the churches to inform the public about the ET presence shows that George Adamski was not only the first UFO contactee to come forward with his experiences, but also the first UFO disclosure activist.
The Adamski Book of UFO/UAP Disclosure (December 2022) correlates the latest confirmations and insights from authorities in science, the military and UFO disclosure activists with George Adamski’s information about the reality of extraterrestrial visitors on Earth. It shows irrefutably that fundamental facts and notions about the extraterrestrial presence that are now being confirmed, were already made public by the 1950s contactees – George Adamski first and foremost.

Written between 1950 and 1952, George Adamski’s Letters to Emma Martinelli 🔗 (March 2022) underscore the central thread of his teaching about the Oneness and universality of Life. A thoroughly referenced introduction and rare photographs cast a new and unexpected light on matters that were long considered foregone conclusions by most other writers and provide a unique historical perspective.
UFOs and the Pioneers of Oneness 🔗 (October 2020) provides a groundbreaking synthesis of findings from systems science, quantum research, the wisdom teachings and contact experiences that strongly suggests, among other things, that Adamski’s Pioneers of Space is based on actual (out-of-body) experiences.

In The Sea of Consciousness 🔗 (April 2019) Dutch author Gerard Aartsen shows that George Adamski’s philosophy is now being confirmed by 21st century systems science. This book includes an integral republication of Adamski’s lost debut, The Invisible Ocean (1932).
Thorough research into the authenticity of George Adamski’s photographic material, using the latest technology, was done by Danish photographer Rene Erik Olsen and published in his book The George Adamski Story – Historical Events of Gigantic Implications 🔗 (January 2019).

New documentary evidence proving the authenticity of Adamski’s desert encounter of 20 November 1952 is presented by French researcher Michel Zirger in his book Authenticating the George Adamski Case: The Desert Center Investigation 🔗 (August 2018). This is a companion volume to his book “We Are Here!” (2017) about George Hunt Williamson, which also adds pertinent information about Adamski.
Taking George Adamski’s descriptions of life on other planets as a starting point, in Priorities for a Planet in Transition 🔗 (2015) Gerard Aartsen shows how these are not only confirmed in the accounts of many other contactees, but also indicate a solution to the crises facing humanity today as a saner way to organise society.

The history, the life and times of George Adamski and his mission, based on the experiences and research of Ragnvald Carlsen (pseudonym of Ronald Caswell, UK) and Hans C. Petersen (Denmark). Titled UFO Contact: The Day Before Yesterday 🔗, these 23 articles first appeared in Gensing Gardens News – as obscure as it is unequalled – from December 2010 to 2014, and were recently made available in PDF by Søren Birkelund Hansen of Denmark.
In his first book Gerard Aartsen provides a unique and comprehensive overview of Adamski’s teaching in George Adamski – A Herald for the Space Brothers 🔗 (August 2010). This book shows, for the first time, the true scope of Adamski’s mission to inform humanity of our spiritual nature, our interplanetary brotherhood and the need to take responsibility for our home, planet Earth.

With a focus on Adamski’s lecture tour of New Zealand during his world speaking tour in 1959, Tony Brunt shows a sincere willingness and effort to understand the complexity of Adamski’s character in his free PDF George Adamski – The Toughest Job in the World 🔗 (2010).
Other titles of interest:

In his book Alien Base 🔗 (1998), UK researcher Timothy Good takes a closer look at George Adamski and his claims in chapter 6, ‘The Space People’, and chapter 7, ‘Claims, Contradictions and Corroborations’.
A facsimile reproduction of Lou Zinsstag’s unedited 1978 manuscript for George Adamski – The Untold Story (below), plus part of the Emma Martinelli correspondence, was published as George Adamski – Their Man On Earth 🔗 (1990).

The first book to attempt an unbiased look at George Adamski’s life and work was George Adamski – The Untold Story 🔗 (1983) by former Adamski associate Lou Zinsstag and Timothy Good.
In his revised and enlarged edition of Flying Saucers Have Landed 🔗 (1970) co-author Desmond Leslie added a Part Three with an extensive and worthwhile Commentary on George Adamski.

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