Tentative schedule of Adamski’s world lecture tour as sent out to GAP contacts.
Nearing the age of 68, George Adamski accepts invitations from all corners of the world to speak about his experiences and contacts, and sets off for his world lecture tour in January 1959. According to Lucy McGinnis in a report to co-workers about the world tour (June 1959): “When he left home in January he had a deep cold of which he was never able to completely free himself.”
13 January 1959: Departs from Los Angeles International Airport for New Zealand, with a two-day stopover in Hawaii.
17 January 1959: Arrives in Auckland, New Zealand, where he is received by North Island study group leaders Henk and Brenda Hinfelaar (pictured), for a 6-week lecture tour. On arrival he gives a 2-hour press conference, and speaks to 2,000 people in Wellington Town Hall. The tour then starts with a talk in Kaikohe on 20 January. He also appears on a half-hour TV show in Auckland and is interviewed on radio and in newspapers.
(Image: New Dawn magazine)

(Image: New Dawn magazine)
Late February 1959: Next stop Sydney, Australia, followed by Perth (4 March), Adelaide, Melbourne (16-30 March), and Brisbane.
During his stay in Brisbane, Dutch co-worker Ms Rey d’Aquila passes on an invitation for an audience with Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.
16 April 1959: Departs for England.
17 April 1959: Meets with Professor Sisir K. Maitra đź”—, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Banares Hindu University, and Adamski’s main contact for the Indian chapter of the Get Acquainted Program, during a stopover in Calcutta (pictured). “Pictures were taken as I walked down the steps from the plane, and as I reached the ground a wreath of flowers was placed around my neck.” (Flying Saucers Farewell, p.141)

During a 3-hour stopover to refuel the airplane in Karachi, Pakistan, Adamski spoke with government officials: “We sat in a small restaurant and talked about the UFO issue, as we are sitting here right now. Then one of them says: ‘What happened to you Americans? The spaceships sometimes come here and land.’ They are meeting them (the space people) in the same way, having dinner and even a banquet together and talking about various things.” (Private talk in Antwerp, 24 May 1963)

18 April 1959: Arrives in London. Appears on TV show In Town Tonight the same evening, and on the main BBC current affairs programme Panorama on Monday 20 April in a debate with astronomer Patrick Moore, that is watched by 9 million viewers.
Further lectures in Tunbridge Wells, Weston-super-Mare, Bournemouth, at Caxton Hall in London (28 April), Birmingham University (29 April), Manchester (1 May), and several more around the British isles. By the end of April, the British press catches wind of Adamski’s upcoming royal audience.
4 May 1959: Telegraphs Desmond Leslie from Scotland, where he ran into a snow storm and icy winds: “No more lectures until I get over my cold.”
15 May 1959: Leaves London for Amsterdam.

18 May 1959: Audience with Queen Juliana đź”— and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, amidst fiercely critical newspaper reports. According to Lucy McGinnis’ report Adamski said, “the Dutch reports are nothing more than conjecture since neither Queen Juliana nor he have mentioned what was discussed during their meeting, which was most pleasant. Reporters were not among those invited.”
In a statement he wrote afterwards in response to the negative press reports he said: “I am nothing but a common man, but the Queen is more than a symbol, as she represents the kind people of Holland before the world. And so, if any statement has to be made as to what has been said in her presence, she has the honour to make such, and not me.”
The royal audience, scheduled to last 45 minutes, goes on for two hours, making Adamski 20 minutes late for his lecture in The Hague.
In an article in 1963 he revealed that the Queen had commented: “Your simplicity of words, and your manner of presentation allow the layman to feel the truth of what you are saying.”
20 May 1959: Second lecture in Holland, in Amsterdam.

23 May 1959: Arrives in Basel, Switzerland for talks and meetings.
26 May 1959: First talk in Zurich to a captive audience.
29 May 1959: The infamous second talk in Zurich, where Adamski meets with organized resistance through a group of 300 students, among an audience of 700, who had been led to believe he would discredit Swiss astronomer Dr Zwicky đź”— (see also Extraterrestrial life đź”—). When a reporter afterwards asks if he would accept an apology, Adamski replies that it should not be given to him, but to the Swiss public.
Lucy McGinnis later reports: “…the tensions which were built up through many factors were beginning to tense conditions around his heart which could have brought on a repeat of his attack of five years back. Considering all these, GA followed the doctor’s advice and cancelled his [remaining] lectures in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Denmark.”

Lou Zinsstag reports: “While George Adamski stayed another week in Basel, Mr and Mrs Karl L. Veit, chairmen of the German Study Group, arrived with another staunch supporter, Mrs. M. MĂĽller.”
She continues by saying that Adamski had misgivings about UFO study and discussion groups in German-speaking Europe being “very much permeated with Esoteric, Occult and Sectarian concepts.” (FSF, p.167), which made it all the more difficult to state his case. Adamski himself narrows it down to “fraudulent mystic groups, professing to be in ‘psychic contact’ with the space people…” (FSF, p.169)
Travels to Locarno on the Italian border, to take some respite before travelling to Rome, where he hopes to meet Pope Pius XII (see Vatican visit đź”—).
12 June 1959: Leaves Switzerland for Rome.

13 June 1959: After sharing a dinner with two Italian GAP contacts, the party went for a walk before going to their hotel, but by the time they reached a main thoroughfare, there was no taxi to be found as it was already midnight. Following a hunch, Adamski, while unfamiliar with the streets of Rome, suggested they go in a certain direction where “suddenly, out of nowhere, a taxi pulled up”. However, writes Adamski, “instead of driving us directly to the hotel, the driver proceeded to take us on a scenic tour of Rome that lasted until nearly daybreak before he finally drew before the hotel. Every moment of the trip had been most enjoyable … a night I shall never forget!” Remarkably, the driver refused to accept extra fare money, saying: “I am glad to do it for the American.” (FSF, pp.171-72)

16 June 1959: “Although [on account of my health] no lectures were scheduled for me, Dr Perego đź”— had arranged to speak to a large group of people, including many from the ranks of the military and the church. His talk was excellent and well received.” (FSF, p.172) After Dr Perego’s talk, Adamski answers questions from the audience.

17 June 1959: Travels back to the US via Copenhagen, Denmark. “Captain H.C. Petersen, our co-worker in Denmark, was unable to get to the airport while I was there, but sent two very friendly and well-informed young men to represent him.” (FSF, p.173)
(Image: Hans C. Peterson private archive)
18 June 1959: Arrives home exhausted from the 5-month tour, which he cut short on the advice of a doctor in Switzerland, cancelling scheduled lectures in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Denmark.
In an update for co-workers dated 29 June Lucy McGinnis writes: “Since being home he has rested and relaxed in trunks and sandals, doing only as he wished, when he wished. He has worked some with the flowers and started getting notes on paper for the ms. of another book [Flying Saucers Farewell, 1961] in which he promises detailed information of his trip and many things he learned as he traveled.”
(Additional sources: Tony Brunt, Flying Saucer Review, Lou Zinsstag & Timothy Good)
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