(Image: © Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images)
If life is one and thoroughly interconnected 🔗, then humanity is one and interconnected as well. And as shown in Priorities for a Planet in Transition (2015), George Adamski’s description of life on other planets is anything but wide-eyed mystical idealism, but a practical example of a saner way to organise society. The dangers of the old ways of competition and greed to people and planet were spelled out to all the original contactees of the 1950s (i.e. pre-disinformation campaign), and are now glaringly obvious in today’s polarized world. Adamski’s teachings, too, extend to manifesting the oneness of life in a peaceful society founded on the freedom that only socio-economic justice can provide. These teachings are now more relevant than ever.
“We [the space visitors] see the Divine Consciousness expressing Itself through the growth of any and all forms, from the smallest to the largest. We have learned that nothing, no form whatever, can be what it is without life passing through it, or supporting it.” (Inside the Space Ships, p.206)
“Their very appearance in our skies in friendship, carries the Cosmic message of brotherhood. For were they hostile, with their superior knowledge they could have conquered the world long ago.” (Cosmic Science, Q58)
“If man is to live without catastrophe, he must look upon his fellow being as himself, the one a reflection of the other.” (Inside the Space Ships, p.239)
“Living in peace with one’s fellowman is but a matter of understanding and compassion. It is a Universal Law we all must learn and apply in our daily contacts with others if we are to progress.” (Cosmic Science, Q40)
“The Universal Laws are not new or unknown to Earth’s people. They have been handed down for countless centuries through our philosophical teachings. But because to the average person these teachings have been cloaked in mystery and relegated to the field of the abstract, few people recognize the kernels of Truth lost amidst the mountains of chaff. We must remember, True Philosophy is nothing more than the science of living according to the purpose for which all forms were brought into being. There must be eternal growth and blending; but never divisions.” (Cosmic Science, Q56)
“Earthlings, because of their deep reverence for these great Teachers, have enshrined their teachings in the world religions, not comprehending they were showing us a way of life.” (Cosmic Science, Q44)
Our neighbours in space have certain principles by which to live. These are:
- To desire no more than we actually need for our daily health and comfort.
- To look upon all people as equals, without favoritism to any.
- To watch and control our thoughts, which requires constant alertness.
- To appreciate and give thanks to every form for service rendered. (Flying Saucers Farewell, pp.82-83)

Therefore, on other planets, “All production is for the benefit of everyone, with each receiving according to his needs. And since no medium of exchange such as money is involved, there are no ‘rich’; there are no ‘poor’. But all share equally, working for the common good. This may well be called a system of production for use.” (Cosmic Science, Q18)
On Earth “our lack of understanding of natural principles and causes, along with the greed to get all we can for our money and effort, has led us into a war with Nature. We have set up a chain reaction which, when traced, will be found to affect all life, from the lowly insect to man himself.” (Flying Saucers Farewell, p.77)
“The spirit of competition could easily be replaced by an individual’s desire to do the best he can according to his ability.” (Answers to Questions Most Frequently Asked About Our Space Visitors And Other Planets, p.17)
“The old accepted thought patterns of people all over the world are changing rapidly. The under-privileged are crying for peace and equal rights with those who have enjoyed the good things of life.” (Cosmic Philosophy, p.85)

“[T]o have a healthy and prosperous society, that which causes the most trouble must be removed. As we all know, this stigma is poverty in the midst of plenty. It is the cause of sickness, crime, and the many evils that we know and when it is removed these bad results will vanish.” (Cosmic Bulletin, December 1964)
“I have been told, the best way we can help is by beginning to live with more respect toward one another. For as this is done throughout the world, fear and hostility between the peoples will diminish; leaving a fertile field in which to work for the betterment of all. But final success in this depends upon each individual.” (Cosmic Science, Q23)
“The world as a whole is composed of billions of individuals, each of whom is important as a radiating center of action. And the whole cannot be changed unless, and until, each small part is brought into cooperation and harmonious coordination with all others. In the human family we know this as the Brotherhood of Man.” (Cosmic Science, Q72)
This notion of the brotherhood of man, which implies that we are our brothers’ keeper, is not only one of the central tenets of every world religion, the Golden Rule 🔗, but was also established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 🔗, Article 25.1 (see above) as every human being’s fundamental right to the basic necessities of life. Not only that, it has also been recognised as key to solving the crises confronting humanity as first proposed in 1980 by the Independent Commission on International Development Issues (ICIDI, also known as the Brandt Commission) in its consensus report North-South: A Programme for Survival 🔗. In other words, Adamski’s teaching agrees with humanity’s highest ethical, socio-economical, and political aspirations.
This 20-minute TEDx talk by integral philosopher, systems theorist, and founder of the Club of Budapest Professor Ervin Laszlo in 2013 underscores how far ahead of his time Adamski’s teaching was:
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